"Cytohumate" for cereals, legumes and industrial crops 10 L Price on request
"Cytohumate" for cereals, legumes and industrial crops - a low molecular weight humic chelator of high purity, with fulvic acid, with trace elements N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, B, Mo, Mn, Cu, Co, Zn, Si and complex "ADN8", squalene, Ω-7 and Ω-9 unsaturated fatty acids.
For use in environmentally friendly organic farming and plant growing - for agrotechnical processing (dressing and soaking) of seed material, seedlings, seedlings and processing (root and foliar feeding) of any plants (spraying) during the growing season according to phenophases of development on various types of soils (SHP / LPH).
When used correctly, it solves the following tasks:
- Accelerates the germination of seed material and growth energy;
- Promotes the development of a powerful plant system;
- Provides increased resistance to adverse environmental factors - low temperature, illumination, lack of moisture;
- Increases the efficiency of the assimilation of minerals and microelements by plants, which makes it possible to reduce the consumption rate of pesticides, herbicides and mineral fertilizers when growing agricultural products by 20-30%;
- Enhancing the transport of nutrients and improving plant nutrition;
- Stimulates the development of all soil microorganisms, which contributes to intensive recovery / formation of humus;
- Provides an increase in yield by 25-40% (on some crops up to 150%) and a reduction in ripening times, a decrease in the cost of the crop;
- Binds the products of technogenic pollution, ensures the ecological purity of products.
Price on request